Overworld Terrain Randomizer

in Common Lisp

The Zelda Overworld Terrain Randomizer takes a rom of The Legend of Zelda and shuffles up the overworld terrain to make new overworld maps. The output is a rom that actually functions (though it isn't exactly an enjoyable game, as the dungeons, shops, and secrets have not been properly handled), and the program can also make an image of the overworld it generated.

The program is written almost entirely in Common Lisp, but some parts of the map image creator are in Java due to its convenient image manipulation libraries.


  1. Download the master branch
  2. If you don't have it, get Common Lisp
  3. Similarly, make sure Java is installed. Make sure both Common Lisp and Java can run from the command line. This may involve updating your system's path variable.
  4. Get a rom of the Legend of Zelda (US release, PRG0). Make sure it is unzipped, and put it in the directory that holds "zelda-overworld.lisp"; name it "zelda-rom.nes"
  5. Compile ZeldaDisplay.java (enter "javac ZeldaDisplay.java" in the zeldadisplay directory)
  6. Run the Common Lisp interpreter in a terminal in the directory that has "zelda-overworld.lisp". To run the interpreter, simply enter "clisp" in the terminal
  7. Enter "(load zelda-overworld)" to load the program into the interpreter
  8. To make a rom and a map for it, enter "(make-rom-and-map filename)", where filename.nes is the name of the output rom, and filename.png is the name of the output map.
    To make only the rom, enter "(make-rom filename)", where filename.nes is the name for the output rom.
    To make only a map, enter "(make-map-only filename)", where filename.png is the output filename for the image.


This project was inspired by the original Zelda Randomizer, which provides the ability to regain the sense of adventure of early playthroughs of The original Legend of Zelda by shuffling up the game's contents: dungeon locations, items, shops, money, dungeon layouts--nearly everything is shuffled up to provide a mostly new experience. If you know The Legend of Zelda like the back of your hand, consider giving it a try. However, there is one thing it does not shuffle: while it shuffles up monsters, what caves lead to, and even hints, it does not change the overworld's terrain. Each screen is (barring second quest variations) always the same. The mountains are to the north, the coast is in the east, the lost woods are to the west, and so on. I really wanted the randomizer to be able to randomize that, too, so I figured I should try to write a program to do that myself. Thus, I wrote the overworld terrain randomizer to specifically randomize what the Zelda Randomizer does not, and it actually does a reasonable job of shuffling up the overworld.


As might be expected of an NES game, many of its features are not particularly nice to work with. Along the way, I spent a great deal of time slogging through machine code and using a debugger to find what I needed to change. (This was I before I discovered that much of the work of exploring the rom had already been done and posted online.) However, the greatest difficulty mostly comes from what are essentially space-saving measures: as might be expected from a 128-kb game from 1986, there was a need to make everything as small as possible. A number of rather smart tricks were used to shrink down the size of the map, but unfortunately all these tricks made this project more difficult.

The game map itself is essentially structured at multiple levels as follows:

  1. The map level: one number for each of the 128 screens that make up the map referencing a screen specification. There are other, similar map-level areas that alter other factors (like the color of the screen), but they were not a major problem.
  2. The screen specifications: one byte for each of the screen's 16 columns referencing a column specification
  3. The column level: a mess of numbers that specify what tiles are in each column. Because the column level features a sort of simple compression method, this level is a bit more complex.

The Map Level

The map level is pretty simple. There are a number of sets of 128 consecutive bytes used for map information (which makes sense, given that there are 128 screens in the map). Some are relatively simple to handle, like the ones that handle what color palettes are used for a given screen. The concerning one, though, tells which screen goes where. The lower 7 bits in this 128-byte section (the high bit has to do with monster spawning) determine which screen specification fills which screen slot. This is in part important because while there are 128 screens in the map, some of them are duplicates. So there are in fact only 124 screen specifications, and 2 of them are reserved for specific underground areas. Since I wanted to mess with machine code as little as possible, this meant I had to replace things in-place, so I could only have 122 distinct screens in the game.

The Screen Specification Level

The map level references these screen specifications. There are 124 screen specifications, each made up of 16 bytes, all in the same consecutive chunk of memory. Each of these bytes is a column number, referencing the columns section (which actually immediately follows this section in the rom). The most bizarre part of this section has to do with the way columns are numbered: for the most part, the column numbers count up as though they were decimal. They run from 0-9, then 10-19, but they eventually reach A0-A9, but even that's not accurate, as some numbers are skipped. This is because the columns are stored in a rather compacted fashion, and I think (but have not confirmed) that the high four bits refer to a sort of "table location" in the columns section, while the lower four bits determine how many columns after that table location that column is. So, a table with particularly large column specifications might only have 9 columns where most others would have 10.

However, the truly difficult part was simply that screens are stored as lists of prebuilt columns, rather than a double array of tiles. This means that altering screens to match new requirements is far more difficult, as it requires replacing entire columns with other columns that already exist in the game, which makes modifying screens a pain.

The Column Level

In one continuous section of memory, the game's 150 columns are specified, but the way they are specified is a bit odd. Columns are made up of tiles, and each tile has a 6-bit ID. So, for example, the cliff wall tile is 0x1B. This leaves 2 bits, which are used for special signals. The second-highest bit is a "doubler": if it is set, then that byte actually represents two consecutive duplicates of the same tile (a double tile). The high bit is used to signal the start of a new column. However, this bit might be set for a byte in the middle of a column because columns can overlap each other.

Here is where the trouble really compounds. There are only 150 columns in the game, but a randomizer could want many other columns not present, like, for example, the top-right corner of a body of water with a cliff wall above it. However, replacing columns (as I wanted to do everything in-place) was also difficult because I had to be careful about overlapping columns. Ultimately, this was all worked out, but it wasn't particularly easy, and this setup meant that sometimes a column that would have been nice to have had to be replaced for a workable, but less ideal option.

The Plan

I had at first considered relying on what would essentially be a sort of Markov chain generator to make screens, and while that might have worked, the results would have been subpar. I also would have had trouble maintaining any sort of guarantees, like a certain number of cave entrances or certain map features. I instead came to the conclusion that the best course of action would be to use the screens in the original map as building blocks to create the new map. This brought with it additional difficulties, but I think it does a better job of making an overworld that doesn't feel machine generated and that can potentially maintain certain guarantees. In the end, a simple outline of the plan to generate an overworld looks as follows:

  1. Biomes: In the new map, choose which screens will be part of which biomes
  2. Edges: In the new map, choose if and how screens will be connected to each other
  3. Columns: Alter the columns to include columns that will be required to fill the new map
  4. Screens: Place the game's original screens, categorized by the biomes they're a part of, into the new map based on the previous steps.
  5. Adapt: Adapt the screens in the map so that they actually connect in the ways they're supposed to, as defined in the Edges step
  6. Ensure Connectedness: Make sure everywhere can be reached
  7. Export: Handle a number of small issues and export the new map to the rom

As a general rule, anytime the program has to make a series of similar choices, for example placing a bunch of forest screens into the map, it does so in a grab bag fashion. It gathers all the things that must be filled, gets the full list of items that can fill them, then removes the items one at a time, putting them in place, until it runs out of either items or places to fill. If it runs out of items, it simply replenishes the full list of options again. This ensures greater variety, as all possibilities are covered before any repetitions.


If you look at the original Legend of Zelda map, you'll note that there are very clear terrain locations that span more than one screen, like the green forest in the east. In the parlance of Minecraft and its ilk, these are biomes. I wanted my new map to reflect this feature of the original map--it is a good part of what I like about it. A map with a mountain screen in the middle of a hodge-podge of forest and woods is not nearly so compelling. Additionally, certain map features require some rather rigid rules for the screens in one area, like the big lake and its rivers. This part of the program decides what the biomes of each of the 128 screens of the new map will be. It starts from the large and rigid (the coast and big lake) and ends with the small and flexible (individual screens, like the fairy ponds).

It is worth noting that most biomes have completely different rules for placing. Some are very rigid (the graveyard has to be 2x3 or 3x2), while some are less so (the forest starts by finding the biggest square it can make, then spreads out until it take up a certain number of screens).


The program has to figure out which screens on the new map will be connected by deciding what the edges (in the parlance of graph theory) between the screens are. Generally speaking, edges are determined based on the biomes already in place and how frequently those biomes are connected to neighboring screens in the original game. Certain screens require certain sets of edges: for example, the fairy pond screens require a connection to the south but no other connections. Additionally, the program has to keep track of certain special edges, like the dock connections between the mainland and the islands.

When frequencies are used to decide how to place edges, the program first finds the original game's frequency for a type of edge: for example, horizontal edges between two mountain screens. It then multiplies that frequency by the number of those edges in the new map, rounds up, and uses that number to determine how many of those edges to make "open", connecting the two screens by randomly drawing that many edges from all the edges in the relevant category in the new map.

Finally, a graph search is done to make sure all screens are connected in some way at this point, as otherwise there would be unreachable screens in the game. If there are disconnected groups, the program connects them.


At this point in the program, the columns needed to fill in the map can be determined, and it is possible that many of those columns are not in the original game. This step attempts to fit as many desired columns as possible into the game's columns list. Help comes in the form of a couple of somewhat rare and potentially unnecessary columns (columns 68 and 87 are identical, and column D6 has the same general purpose as 39 but is only used once) that can easily be replaced without much trouble. In some other cases, the need for one column means that another column almost certainly isn't needed, as is the case for column 44 and its flipped version (which isn't in the original game): only one is ever needed for a given map. Additionally, since columns often overlap their neighbors, some shuffling around is often necessary when trying to replace certain columns. This is the case if a flipped version of column 44 is needed: if a flipped version of 44 is needed, a flipped version of 45 is also always needed, so the two essentially swap places to preserve columns 43 and 46.

In order to keep track of which columns are actually usable, the program uses symbols instead of column numbers for any column which might not be in the same place at the end of this step (or that might not be in the list at all in the end). Later, these symbols will be replaced with the new column numbers as determined here; an association is kept between symbols and column numbers, as well as one between symbols and backup column options, in case there wasn't enough room for that column.


After abandoning the Markov chain approach, I decided the best approach to getting something recognizably Zelda-like was to take the game's actual screens, shuffle them up, and then adapt them so that they connected properly. This section looks at the biomes on the map and drops a screen of the proper biome into each spot on the map. I also made some custom screens to fulfill special purposes that the game's original screens do not, like the southern coast "ladder bridges" you can see in the examples.

This step also has to make sure to have enough duplicate screens in the map and mark them that way so that there aren't too many screen specifications needed at the end; otherwise, the program won't be able to simply swap out the screens in place in the rom.


At this point, the program has to adapt the raw screens currently in the map to make them actually connect properly. If two screens are not connected, then this also has to be adapted so that their shared edge is blocked. Adapting screens together is done either by choosing one screen to adapt the other to, or, if that doesn't work, by simply choosing a way to connect them that works for both.

Connecting vertically works very differently from connecting horizontally because the map is a list of columns. Vertical connections are created and removed by keeping track of an association between columns that aren't open at the edge and relevant replacements that are open and vice versa. Thus, to replace a column, an appropriate substitute is simply found and put in its place.

Horizontal connections, on the other hand, are a good bit more difficult. Ultimately, as there are limited connecting columns in the game, I ended up making massive associations between the columns 3 away from the outside (so columns 2 and 13) and edge connections. When the results of this association are looked up, 2 columns are obtained which are used to replace the outermost 2 columns. This allows the program to smooth out the transition to the actually connecting column with the extra column.

This step also has to be careful not to alter any screen that is intended to be a duplicate screen, as otherwise the duplicate screen will no longer be a duplicate, adding just another wrinkle into this very difficult step.

Ensure Connectedness

The edges step does some work to check this already, but there are some screens that are not entirely contiguous. These problem screens can take a map that is connected at the edge level and make it unconnected in reality. This step attempts to reconnect the map around these difficult screens. It's a rather fiddly step with a bunch of options to try, but even here the map generation can fail if it finds that none of the options work, forcing the program to start over.


Finally, the finished map can be exported to a new rom. This step handles some small problems that aren't difficult to figure out but are pitfalls related to how the game handles the map. For example, the map has a number of different color palettes it can use when drawing tiles. Each screen actually has two palettes associated with it: an outer palette which covers a 2 tile wide border of the screen, and an inner palette which covers everything else. As this is mostly determined by the biome each screen is a part of, and the program has already determined the biomes, doing this isn't particularly difficult, but it still needs to be taken care of. There are also some other things that must be determined here, but none of them are quite so obvious, and none of them are that difficult to handle.

At this point, the entire map is made and exported to a rom. Additionally, a Java program I wrote for this project can be called to make an image for the map; that's where I got the sample map images from. However, while you can run the rom, I would not suggest doing it except to see that it does in fact run simply because it won't be very fun, as the results are still rather imperfect.


The core of the imperfections of the overworld terrain randomizer comes from the fact that it was inspired by the Zelda Randomizer. Essentially, I don't want to redo the work already done by the Zelda Randomizer; I just want to provide new functionality that isn't yet in it. So, for example, rather than handling caves at all, this program instead just makes nearly all of them go to dungeon 1 (hence why I wouldn't suggest playing it). This allows the resulting rom to be used, but it doesn't redo the work already done by the Zelda Randomizer. Additionally, due to the slightly random nature of the overworld terrain randomizer, it has been difficult to hunt down all its remaining bugs, some of which cause it to crash. Certain screens also look weird, most commonly because the program flipped a screen, but there is no flipped version of a column to replace the one in the screen with. As a result, the maps (like the program) still have some jagged edges. The program also currently doesn't handle some of the cool secrets in the original game, like the secret walk-through wall into the top-right screen or the "lost" screens. Finally, though this is more of small concern, it isn't possible for this program to generate the original overworld because certain features are difficult to duplicate, like the entire top-right corner of the map.

I could fix these problems, but I wrote this program in Common Lisp because I'd just learned it and wanted to make sure I understood it. Common Lisp is a very enjoyable language, but the Zelda Randomizer is written in C++. Since I really just want the original Zelda Randomizer to be able to do what this program does, I should really just be rewriting it in C++. It would also help to do some assembly hacking to see if I can abandon the "in-place" requirement; being able to have all the columns and screens I want would make this far easier.

Unfortunately, I don't really know C++. On the bright side, I'm learning it, so I could start working on that fairly soon, and the motivation of making sure I really understand a language I've just learned is still relevant.

I just hope it doesn't take as long.

The original Zelda first quest overworld
An overworld generated by the randomizer
The original first-quest overworld with each screen numbered; the number refers to which screen specification goes in that spot on the map. Note, for example, that there are three screens labelled "06".
The game's original columns. Each column is numbered at the top. A green line at the left of a tile means that tile is shared with a neighboring column. A purple line on the right side of a tile means that tile is part of a double tile.
Some more overworlds created by the randomizer.
One of the problematic split screens. As the walkable terrain is not connected within the screen, it can create disconnections on the map as a whole.
An unfixed imperfection: the screen plays OK, but that ladder ought to have walls on its left side instead of just being open there.